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Reborn in flames [+ bonus track]
Chris Boltendahl's Steelhammer
In Hearts Wake
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Franz Ferdinand
Portrait [SE]
Nicky Lawrence
Here, there and everywhere : Black America sings John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison
Soft Machine
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The privileged oboe : Chamber works on period instruments
Emma Black | Zoë Black | Anne Harvey-Nagl | Peter Trefflinger
Sebastian Knauer
Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart | Robert Markham
Louie's Cage Percussion | Louie's Cage Percussion
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina | Graham Ross | Choir of Clare College Cambridge | Choir of Clare College Cambridge
Georg Friedrich Händel | Francesca Lombardi Mazzulli | Carlo Vistoli | Anna Bonitatibus | Krystian Adam | Rafal Tomkiewicz | Attilio Cremonesi | Händelfestspielorchester des Opernhauses Halle
French baroque music and new compositions
Saskia Coolen | Rainer Zipperling | Patrick Ayrton | Saskia Coolen
Fumito Nunoya | Fumito Nunoya
Brett Dean
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johannes Krahl
Aleksandr Skrjabin | Chen Yunjie